IVR, ITR, Mobile Self-Service And Automation

Improve Customer Satisfaction While Driving Revenue Growth

In today’s fast-paced environment, customers want answers immediately. They can’t afford to wait while they’re transferred from person to person to resolve an issue. Instead, customers value self-service solutions that allow them to complete transactions on their own, with little effort.

By reaching customers on their preferred channels, your business is able to improve customer satisfaction and retention, reduce overall operation costs and drive revenue growth. It’s a win for both you and your customers.

MicroAutomation helps you take advantage of customer self-service by evaluating your contact center needs, then helping you select the right suite of products with our vendor-agnostic approach. Then we customize and implement those solutions in a way designed to maximize the value you achieve from them.

self service automation

interactive voice response


The majority of today’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications provide ‘reactive’ self-service and force customers to sift through multiple menus to perform a transaction. The one size fits all approach is both inefficient and serves as the root cause of consumer dissatisfaction with IVR as a service channel.

Using a design that focuses on personalizing the caller’s experience, you can achieve up to 90% containment while reducing call times by 50%. Combined with the use of Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), the personalized IVR will drive customer loyalty and reduce operating costs.

self service ivr logo

90% IVR self-service containment

reduce call duration

50% reduction in call times

self service ivr through phone

64% of people prefer texting

98% of people read text messages within 5 seconds


The MicroAutomation team did an amazing job during the project. Our partner was thrown a curveball, as they had to overcome the loss of key resources from our organization. The team at MicroAutomation was able to keep the project on track and the solution was completed on time and within budget. I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication!



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According to Harris Interactive, 64% of people prefer texting over voice – and that number is growing all the time. Additionally, mobile users read 98% of the text messages they receive within five seconds. While this shouldn’t come as a surprise, too many businesses are failing to adapt to this change.

Text-based self-service, known as Interactive Text Response (ITR), is a new channel that not only drives down costs for your business but also improves customer loyalty.

Through the use of OmniEngage, MicroAutomation enables proactive customer notification and engagement for a range of service needs. Our ITR application allows you to go beyond traditional text message notifications. You can leverage ITR for payment by phone, text or mobile, as well as interactive appointment scheduling.

interactive text response

mobile self service solutions


Today’s customers are never far from their smartphones. Whether it’s texting with friends, checking their social media pages, or reading emails, customers rely heavily on their phones for a variety of everyday tasks.

Our Mobile Self-Service applications allow you to interact with your customers via smartphones, tablets, and other devices. With Mobile Self-Service, you can send a text, tweet, or Facebook message and engage your customers regarding:

  • An order
  • A support ticket
  • An insurance claim
  • Updates to an account auto payment

Find Out How Self-Service And
Automation Technology Transforms
The Customer Experience.

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