If you’re hesitant about making the leap to Next Generation 911 technology, you’re not alone – almost 90% of PSAPs still use 1970s technology to handle emergency calls.
However, the time to upgrade is now. Communication channels available to 911 callers are advancing every day, and your PSAP needs a contact center infrastructure to keep up. Adopting NG911 technology is essential. And if executed correctly, your NG911 migration could be simple and streamlined, with little impact on efficiency and response times.
Get advice on how to ensure your NG911 migration is as painless as possible in this free tip sheet, 5 Tips For A Smooth Upgrade To Next Generation 911. In this guide, you’ll discover how to break the NG911 adoption process into smaller steps, helping you overcome the challenge of a large-scale migration.
Learn how an effective NG911 migration streamlines your PSAP operations and enables your contact center to better serve your community.
>> Get My Free Tip Sheet